Lab Translator

Got Numbers?

First let’s get one thing out of the way. This is your data.

Our goal is to help you understand your data and what it tells YOU about your health. Your information is secure and our intent is to empower you with information so that you can make informed choices, decisions and maybe even lifestyle changes.
If you answer a few questions below, we can get to work! If you are wondering why we need this information, you can hover over the field for more details.

Please join or login to continue.

To save your data and continue, please select one of the options below
to enter your laboratory test results.

1 We are using evidence-based data and guidelines to provide you with reference ranges, which are categorized by male or female. Currently, there are limited recommendations for sexual gender minorities2. Although we make every effort to be inclusive, we want to ensure that our reference ranges are all scientifically backed and we are limited to the options available. Please talk to your healthcare team for additional guidance as gender-affirming surgery and hormones can affect reference recommendations. Health Untangled™™ was designed to be personalized based on the recommendations of your clinician!